This page lists publications authored or co-authored by Erin Prophet and provides links to reviews and ordering information.
Coercion or Conversion? A Case Study in Religion and the Law
Church Universal and Triumphant v. Gregory Mull v. Elizabeth Clare Prophet 1986.
Gainesville, FL: Linden Books, 2019. Download a PDF here.
"Charisma and Authority in New Religious Movements" in The Oxford Handbook of New Religious Movements, Vol. 2 (Oxford University Press, 2015) by Erin Prophet
Prophet's Daughter: My Life with Elizabeth Clare Prophet Inside the Church Universal and Triumphant (Lyons Press, 2009) by Erin Prophet
In early 1990, in response to apocalyptic prophecies given by her mother, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Erin Prophet entered an underground bunker in Montana along with members of her mother's Church Universal and Triumphant. Emerging to find the world still intact, Erin was forced into a radical reassessment of everything she knew, or thought she knew, about love, life, and obligations to church and family.
The Write Question:
The Diane Rehm Show:
“Page-turning account of growing up at the heart of a fringe religion....Prophet[‘s] memoir is lucidly written and entirely approachable, providing all the necessary background for understanding the story without belaboring New Age history. The author puts to good use her training as a sociologist in a text that demonstrates close reflection without wandering into self-pity or false excuses.”
Co-Authored Publications
Comparing Religions (Wiley Blackwell, 2013) by Jeffrey J. Kripal, co-authors Andrea Jain, Ata Anzali and Erin Prophet.
Comparing Religions takes a new approach to an old subject. It bridges the gap between modernist and post-modernist critiques of religion and the needs of the faithful by suggesting a reflexive approach. Designed as an undergraduate textbook, it is thought-provoking for the open-minded of any age who are interested in new ways of thinking about religion, particularly those inspired by the perennialist approach of Aldous Huxley, Huston Smith or Mircea Eliade, who would like to catch up on recent scholarship. Erin Prophet contributed to the section on new religious movements and religious violence. Order copies here:
Student companion site:
“This book offers the most original and provocative recasting of the comparative study of religion in decades.”
A Prophet in Wisconsin (iUniverse, 2009) by Mark L. Prophet with Erin Prophet. The earliest book-length work by Mark Prophet (1918-1973) shows the development of his thought as he came out of Methodism into a variety of esoteric beliefs, including Rosicrucianism and Vedanta. Part spiritual adventure, part inspirational writing, this work was left unfinished upon Mark's death and completed by Erin in order to promote understanding of her father's life and work.
“As you read A Prophet in Wisconsin, I hope that you will appreciate the flavor of my father’s youth, which I have preserved, as well as the “timeless truths,” those which resonate with you as well as those that may now seem quaint. In 1950, they were a radical departure from the ideas my father must have learned from the pulpit, and it took courage to promote them.”
Preparation for My Mission (iUniverse, 2009), by Elizabeth Clare Prophet, edited by Erin Prophet and Tatiana Prophet. This memoir was begun by Elizabeth Clare Prophet (1939-2009) before her diagnosis with Alzheimer's disease in 1998. Primarily taken from a series of audio interviews conducted by Tatiana, together with excerpts from her letters and diaries, this work is designed to provide insight into the early life of a controversial religious teacher who went from a Christian Science Sunday school teacher to a "messenger" for the ascended masters, who gave "dictations" from masters ranging from Jesus to the Virgin Mary and Buddha.
“In piecing together the various sources for this memoir, I have tried to be true to my mother’s goal of revealing her human side while also including those pivotal anecdotes that she had told and retold during her thirty-year ministry....The puzzle pieces did not always fit perfectly and I came to realize that a ‘pivotal’ moment can take years to become fully expressed in the personality, and may be recognized as pivotal only in retrospect.”